Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Have u ever felt completely totally disconnected from the world? In a place where only you exist. Sure, there are people all around you. Talking to you, laughing with you, but somehow you are still completely alone. Words are meaningless. So, are the relationships. Every man is an island unto himself. There are no connections. There are just random simulations of friendships, love, hatred, jealousy. There is no rationale. There is no reason for there to be.
We create the connections. We want life to make sense. We want it all to be true. But, have you ever been forced to consider the possibility that it might just all be because you want to believe there is?
If everything is created by us, and nothing is really true. If all our concepts of emotions, relationships, logic aren’t. Then, would life become meaningless? Or will it simply acquire the meaning that you give it? And most importantly, even if it’s all just something we thought up, could it not be that it is true, just because we believe it to be.

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